Our favorite face self-tanners for summer 2015

Who doesn't want to be beautifully bronzed for Memorial Day weekend?, These products give your face a gorgeous glow no matter how much (or how little) time you have on your side and it’s still early enough to get your mitts on these must-haves, so start shopping!

James Read Express Glow Mask—Face
Sometimes you just gotta glow—and when you don’t have more than a couple of hours until game time, this is the product you need. The lightweight gel absorbs super-fast and delivers a natural looking bronze in just one hour. Wash it off after 30 minutes for subtle sunkissed color or leave it for 60 minutes for a deeper tan.  The color continues to develop even after the mask is washed off, but you can apply makeup and be on your way.

 Vita Liberata Self Tanning Night Moisture Mask
This gradual tanner works while you sleep and delivers a steady dose of hydration, antioxidants and anti-aging ingredients at the same time. Use nightly until you achieve your desired color—and once you get there, you’ll be surprised at how long your faux glow lasts. IBB Tip: Apply to the face, neck and chest for the most natural looking effect.


St. Tropez Self Tan Luxe Facial Oil
If you haven’t jumped on the facial oil bandwagon yet, this is the perfect time to try one. This non-greasy oil delivers a full-on tan with each application minus the self-tanner smell. Offering all of the dewiness and hydration you’ve come to expect from a facial oil, it’s an amazing way to wrap up your nighttime skincare regimen—and start your day with a healthy, bronze glow.

Have you stocked up on your self-tanners for summer? What will you be using?

[This post originally appeared on InsiderBeautyBuzz.com.]